Mighty Men of Valor Monthly Gathering


Sunday - 11AM Worship Service

 June 14, 2023

 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

 Zoom 385-248-1085 p/w 765332

Greetings Friends & Brothers, I am Deacon Phillip M. Randolph, Sr., Ministry Leader of the Mighty Men of Valor of the New Unity Baptist Church, where the Rev. Johnny N. Golden serves as our pastor.

I am inviting you to join us at our "Celebrate & Elevate the BrotherhoodIn-person "Men's Sunday Service" at 10 a.m., on Sunday, June 11th (see flyer below  for the address and more details).

This is also a Special Invitation for you to join us at 7:00 p.m. this second Wednesday of June (14th) and every second Wednesday of the month thereafter for a wonderful time of men sharing in growth, fellowship, and fun, 

Our Wednesday meetings are virtual on our Zoom 2 Channel. The meeting I.D. is 385.248.1085 ~ Password: 765332. Truly honored, excited, and  looking forward to seeing you in-person at 10:00 a,m, on Sunday June 11th and then virtually  via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14th. And please feel free to Celebrate & Elevate  the Brotherhood by bringing another brother  along with you. Peace & Blessings to All