

Sunday - 11AM Worship Service

Giving Options

We at the New Unity Baptist Church have a Vision to touch the lives of those that are lost, and in need of feeling the love of Christ. We cannot do it alone. P

Please consider partnering with us, and make donations to assist us with our Vision.  

Whatever your online giving is, every amount added together can help feed someone, provide clothes for someone, or assist with reaching the lost. Please follow what your heart is telling you to give, and click on the  "GIVE" button below.  

  Make sure that you enter your name, email address and membership number, if applicable. Or you may send your contribution by mail (option #2 below). PLEASE DO  NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL.

Thank you for your prayers and your support. The Bible reminds us that...whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully...for God loves a cheerful giver.


1.Cash App: $newunitybaltimore 

2. Mail your gift: New Unity Baptist Church, 2908 Hamilton Ave., Baltimore, Md.21214

New Unity Baptist Church

2908 Hamilton Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21214

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