

Sunday - 11AM Worship Service

"Writing the Vision @ The Speed of Life!"

Like the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times to know what the nation ought to do (I Chronicles 12:32); We, too, are Writing the Vision and Making it plain that they may run that read it (Habakkuk 2: 2 -4).  New blog posted 2:00 p.m. Wednesdays.

Transformataive Living

by: Johnny Golden



Coming Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Merry Christmas

by: Johnny Golden



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Thanks for the Memories

by: Pastors Wanda & Johnny Golden



This year as we commemorate and celebrate thirty years of togetherness with the great people of the New Unity Baptist Church our hearts and minds are filled with so many majestic memories, moments of magic and magnificence.

Memories of warmth, merriment, and glee. Nothing shorter than the singing of the angels concerning heaven’s long-awaited arrival on earth could herald such a significant Noel on such a magnificent occasion as this.

Love, the noblest of all virtue, is trul

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Handling Disappointment

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



For many, there are perhaps few other evenst which help us to understand and appreciate the profound disappointment of the early disciples (women included) than the recent loss of VP Kamala Harris to her political rival Donald Trump.


Her machinery was far, far superior than his. Far better managed, more disciplined and certainly, much more mature – and yet she loss to a supposedly inferior opponent. Is this possible? What happened, how could this be?


In the coming weeks, m

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Thoughts From the Gold Mind

by: Pastor Johnny Golden



I support and applaud VP Kamala Harris for her politically correct and far, far more important politically courageous move in going to the nation’s southern border Friday. The step is long overdue. Dealing with border control, managing the surging influx of social needs and strengthening immigration laws is no small measure, but it is one in which we expect, and dare I say, need, our leaders to deal with – head on.To ignore the 5 C’s of system thinking - curiosity, compass

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A Bias Towards Yes

by: Johnny Golden



“Good Grief!” thatz the well-worn phrase that the oft exasperated and exhausted cartoon character Charlie Brown’s utters in the unsettling throes of a crisis of anxiety and angst.  

The phrase is actually oxymoronic as so much of life itself can be. 

Is it possible for grief to be good? Ah, but herein lies the true genius of  Mr. Charles Schultz, the crafty creator of the syndicated Peanuts series which Charlie and each of the characters, including the anthropomorphic dog Sn

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A More Perfect Union

by: Pastor Johnny Golden



A More Perfect Union

In some Homeric poems of antiquity, Atlas is depicted as a Titan who is tasked with holding up the earth on his shoulders. The image of Atlas holding up the heavens  is a powerful symbol of commitment and fortitude. 

Is it possible for any one person or collective to hold a society together? Is it doable or simply a lofty whim of idealistic ideologues? In this, so-called 'land of the free and the home of the brave'  does the nation's  desire for ‘a more

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by: Johnny Golden



“Lotz of companies don’t succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future.” That quote is from Larry Page, co-founder of Google.


But “how” might you rightfully ask, “how does anyone who is alive miss the future?”  It seems like an oxymoron, If I am alive today – the present – and I live to see tomorrow – the future – “how, then could I have missed it if in fact I am already in it?” But then, you must understand that anything you are in i

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Life After Death

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



The lack of estate planning and leaving a will is an all too common occurrence among African Americans. According to a recent Consumer Reports study, more than 70 percent of Black Americans do not have wills. 

That disturbing statistic has not only led to relentless drama and potential discord in afterlife planning, but if there’s any money involved, it could be a recipe for disaster. 

The malaise is so common that even celebrities have fallen prey -  Chadwick Boseman, Princ

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O' Freedom

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



There’s an uneasy disquiet in my spirit this Sabbath. On this day in which the Sovereign rested I am fraught with tension and dismay and there is no leisure within or without me. The atmosphere menacingly punctuated and saturated with dread.

Unlike the times afore – for my soul is no stranger to the vicissitudes of languor and lassitude – I see no port of  harbor safe on the shore nigh or horizon distant.

The alluring and seductive sirens of despair and hopelessness beckon f

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Let the Weak Say That I am Strong

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



On average, Every day in America 120 persons are killed by guns. Permit that to sink into your psyche for a moment. That, dear friend, means that every year 43,800 souls, alone, are lost to senseless gun violence in America.

And according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) gun violence is the Number One Killer of persons between 18 - 25 years of age ( Yes, greater than illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, vehicular accidents, and other causes of mor

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Calling All Disciples to Make a Difference!

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



On average, Every day in America 120 persons are killed by guns. Permit that to sink into your psyche for a moment. That, dear friend, means that every year 43,800 precious souls are lost to senseless gun violence, alone, in America.

And according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) gun violence is the number One killer of persons between 18 - 25 years of age ( Yes, greater than illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, vehicular accidents, and other caus

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From Pain to Purpose

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



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Cry Loud!

by: Rev. Johnny Golden



The sights and sounds of Christmas are far, far behind us and yet the question for me remains, "do you hear what I hear?" The joyous tintinnabulations of sleigh bells ringing, carols singing, and children playing no longer fills the moistened air (wet with our tears, that is). Indeed, it is this very cause that compels me to  write on this National Day of Prayer.

Isaiah, the eagle-eyed  Hebrew prophet of the 8th century bc, shatters the calm with his exclamatory exigence, "

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O' Say Can You See

by: Johnny Golden



For some reason unknown to me, other than it was a story from Feb 1983, 40 years ago to the month, The Atlantic Newspaper had an article concerning the late soul singer Marvin Pentz Gaye, Jr.'s iconic rendition of the National Anthem sung at the NBA All Star Game held in Los Angeles, CA that year.

There's so much that I could write concerning the hulabaloo of singing of the National Anthem in America - few other countries sing their national anthem at EVERY SINGLE sporting

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