New Unity Nation


Sunday - 11AM Worship Service

Dare to Declare and Decree it So!


A Vision to Build A Nation: A Chosen Generation Answering the Call

                                  Preamble to The Decree

We the People, a commited, diverse, and Christ-centered community, come together in unity—embracing our rich spiritual heritage and the transformative power of God’s love.

With hearts bold, voices uplifted, and spirits empowered by divine grace, we declare our sacred purpose: to exalt the Name of Jesus that is above every name, nurture hope, and cultivate justice.

We further believe that every challenge is an invitation to rise in spiritual strength and that within every trial an inherent opportunity for divine transformation resides.

As we commit to this journey of inner renewal and communal empowerment, our mission becomes a radiant beacon of hope, inspiring personal and collective transformation.

Though our direct impact is deeply felt in our local community, our vision stretches to every corner of the globe, affirming that our shared journey of spiritual renewal and empowerment transcends any geographical limit.

In our pursuit of a renewed nation built upon sacred values, we honor the wisdom of our ancestors, celebrate our vibrant uniqueness, and dedicate ourselves to the relentless work of building a community where every harm halted,  every voice valued, every child cherished, and every soul saved.

Guided by the Lux of divine truth and inspired by a vision of holistic restoration, we affirm that our strength lies not in uniformity alone, but in the rich tapestry of our differences—woven together through the grace of God.

This preamble decrees  the call to action for a new New Unity Nation, a living testament to our collective dream of spiritual, social, and cultural renewal, and a continual source of empowerment for all who journey in faith with us.

Therefore, let us “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that they may run that read it.” – Habakkuk 2:2

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”- I Peter 2:9

Nation-building, dear friend, is no easy task. It demands more than fleeting enthusiasm or momentary zeal—it requires unwavering courage, relentless vigor, and a vision that peers deeply into the fullness of time with endoscopic precision.

It is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are steadfast in purpose, resolute in spirit, and driven by an inescapable siren's call far greater than themselves.

As the prophet Habakkuk was commanded to write the vision and make it plain, so must we embrace the responsibility of articulating, preserving, and executing the divine mission set before us. 

Our charge is ensure that the  vision is not obscured, abandoned, or delayed — nay, but rather, to  declare it boldly, embrace it completely, decree it forcefully, and advance it with swift obedience.

Every aspect of the charge must be approached with eagle-eyed sharpness, where absolutely no detail is too small to escape notice. 

The tablets upon which we write signify permanence, lasting and meaningful; thus, both mind and might must be continually summoned. 

Strength and strategy must work hand in hand, fueled by faith and fidelity to the clarion call of the Lord's command.

This sacred work is not undertaken lightly. It demands sacrifice, discipline, and an unyielding commitment to the principles of God’s sacred word. 

As a chosen generation, we are not merely casual participants in this assignment —we are causal! We have been called to lead. 

We are charged with reflecting the Lord's glory, not just in our actions but in the very essence of who we are as a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

Our identity is not rooted in the fleeting validations of this world but in the eternal truths of God’s Word. We are peculiar by design - set apart to show forth His praises.

We are His representatives, carrying the light of His marvelous truth into the gloomiest corners of this world.

Our mission is not simply to construct, but to transform—to create a legacy of hope, righteousness, and love that points back to Him.

A Vision in Motion: Building with Faith & Purpose

Nation-building requires more than tools and blueprints; it calls for the determined alignment of the spirit. 

It demands faith to move mountains, hope to press forward when the path seems uncertain, and love to bind us together as one people.

Just as Habakkuk’s vision was meant to be read and acted upon, our divine mission requires movement. We must be builders who do not merely wait for change but actively create it.

It challenges us to rise above mediocrity, persevere through adversity, and press forward even when the weight of the charge seems overwhelming.

But we are not alone in this work!

The God who called us out of darkness has equipped us for this very purpose.

He has given us His holy Spirit as our guide; His Word as our foundation; and His Presence as our strength. 

He has promised never to leave nor forsake us. And it is by His grace that we stand firm, steadfastly trusting in his plan.

So, we build—not in our strength, but in His divine power. For it is not by might nor by power that the mission is accomplished.

We press on, knowing that we labor not in vain, confident of our faith in Him that  He who has begun a good work in us is able to perform it to completion.

We are a chosen generation, empowered to do the extraordinary: to break barriers; to shatter chains; and to lead His people into His marvelous light.

Let us rise to the call, neither looking rearward, nor growing weary, but valiantly and vigorously advancing the cause as His great and glorious people - a royal priesthood. 

Though the task be great, the One who has called us is greater. 

Together, as His peculiar people, we write the vision, we carry the mission, and we build His nation —

           not for earthly gain, but for His Kingdom, for His glory, and for all eternity.

🔥 The Vision is Written. The Time is Now. Let us Run Boldly. Change the World!

penned by Rev. Johnny N. Golden, Sr.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

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